The international conference was scheduled for April 25, 2024 at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES OF THE SRTATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEM international scientific and pr

The international conference was scheduled for April 25, 2024 at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek  PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES OF THE SRTATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEM  international scientific and pr
16:01, 01 март 2024

The international conference was scheduled for April 25, 2024 at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek



international scientific and practical conference


It is extremely important to provide the economy of New Uzbekistan with investment resources, to finance enterprises and organizations of economic sectors based on the principles of healthy competition. In addition, the stability of capital, the insurance market and the banking system is one of the important factors in increasing the country's economic potential. Considering the relevance of these topics, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekinvest insurance Company, University of Palermo, Bratislava University of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Higher School of Economics, Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics, Kyrgyz State University and the Society of Actuaries of Uzbekistan in collaboration with the actuarial organization “Actuaries and Financial Consultants”, will organize an international conference on April 25, 2024 scientific and practical conference on the topic “Problems and priorities of strategic development of the financial and credit system”.

Leading employees and specialists from the banking and financial sector and insurance organizations, professors and teachers of higher educational institutions, scientists and independent researchers will be invited to participate in this scientific and practical conference.

The scientific and practical conference is planned in the following areas:


Section– 1. The role of the strategy of the financial and credit system “Uzbekistan-2030”.

Section – 2. Scientific basis for the strategic development of the insurance market.

Section – 3. Problems of development of the investment environment in Uzbekistan.

Section – 4Issues of improving budget and tax policies in order to increase economic potential.

Authors can participate in the conference with articles in Uzbek, English, or Russian languages.

Requirements for the formatting of articles:

1. Articles should be presented on the topics announced above, based on scientific analysis and methods, while providing practical recommendations.

2. The length of the articles/theses should be between 4-6 pages.

3. Text format: MS Word, Times New Roman font, 14 sizes. Line spacing is 1.5 spaces. Border measurements: top and bottom - 2 cm, left side - 2 cm., right side - 2 cm. A paragraph of 1 cm is inserted at the beginning of the text, it is formatted according to the width of the line.

4. Figures and tables should be accompanied by a title and ranked with Arabic numerals (Fig. 1, Table 1, etc.), it is necessary to refer to them in the text of the article; the font size for entries in tables should be 11. References should come both in the form of in text citations and a list of references at the end of the article.

5. The text of the article should be formalized in the following order:

- surname, name of the author (co-authors) (academic degree, academic title,

workplace, position, phone number, e-mail) conference direction number;

- the title of the article should be placed in capital letters in font size 14 and centered.

6. Articles should be novel and cannot have been previously published. All articles will

be checked and scanned through anti-plagiarism software. Articles which tested

negative plagiarism will be recommended for publication.

- Each author can participate with an article at the same time as a sole or co-author.

-Please send your articles/thesis to the e-mail addresses below:,,

- The deadline for the articles/thesis submission is April 15, 2024.

- A collection of articles (in electronic form) will be posted on the website of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.

Address of the organizing committee:

100174, Tashkent city, Olmazor district, 4 University Street. Rectorate of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Faculty of Economics, 4th floor, 403

Responsible staff: 

Section–1. Sotvoldiev Alisher Dilshod ugli - Tel. +998 (93) 593-14-14;

Section – 2. Ikromov Akhmadzhon - Tel. +998 (93) 475-27- 96,

Section – 3. Tursunova Nafisa Tel. +998 (90) 123-18-12,

Section – 4. Narmanov Ulugbek Abdugapparovich - Tel. +998 (90) 950-36-26,


Participation in the conference is 80000 UZB sum of charge. Once reviewed and approved, the submitted articles/theses will be included in the conference’s proceedings. The authors themselves are responsible for the content of the articles/abstracts included in the collection, for the reliability of statistical data and regulatory documents, as well as for the opinions expressed.